Eligibility Notes Panel


Parameter Name


Creditable Coverage (# of days) This is the number of creditable days an employee has been covered. This may include coverage under previous insurance providers.
Note Text Entry Field The selected Note in the Note List will display its text here. The maximum size of the note is 200 characters.
Activate Flag Message This sets the flag message to pop up to the operator when the operator has finished entering a claim for the current employee.
Flag Message Text Entry Field Once a claim for the current employee is finished being typed in, this message will only be displayed to the operator if the Activate Flag Message option is selected. The maximum size of the note is 200 characters.


Button Name


Save(1) This will save all changes to the database.
New This clears the Note Text Entry Field so that a new note can be typed in, but is only added to the Note List after Save(2) is clicked.
Save(2) This saves the new or modified note into the database, and automatically records the current date and operator who type it.
Delete This will delete the selected note.


Tab Name


SE This will show the Spouse's Employer panel on top of the current panel.
OI This will show the Other Insurance panel on top of the current panel.
DI This will show the Dependent Information panel on top of the current panel.
M This will show the Medical Coverage History panel on top of the current panel.
D This will show the Dental Coverage History panel on top of the current panel.
V This will show the Vision Coverage History panel on top of the current panel.
FX This will show the Flex Account History panel on top of the current panel.
SD This will show the Short Term Disability Coverage History panel on top of the current panel.
LF This will show the Life Insurance panel on top of the current panel.
WB This will show the Internet Access panel on top of the current panel.
CB This will show the COBRA Coverage History panel on top of the current panel.
AC This will show the Accumulators panel on top of the current panel.
NT This shows that the Eligibility Notes panel is open.
AU This will show the Address and Unit History panel on top of the current panel.