Other Insurance Panel


Button Name


Save Changes Clicking here saves all changes and commits them directly to the eligibilty tables in the database.


Text Field Name


Plan Name (#1) Here, you may enter the name of the plan of the other insurance provider with which the employee has coverage.
Group No. (#1) Enter the name of the group associated with the other insurance provider here.
Telephone (#1) Enter a contact phone number of the other insurance provider here.
Other Insurance Plan #1 Notes You may enter any notes and any further contact information about the other insurance plan here. The maximum size of the note is 99 characters.
Plan Name (#2) Here, you may enter the name of the plan of the second other insurance provider with which the employee has coverage.
Group No. (#2) Enter the name of the group associated with the second other insurance provider here.
Telephone (#2) Enter a contact phone number of the second other insurance provider here.
Other Insurance Plan #2 Notes You may enter any notes and any further contact information about the second other insurance plan here. The maximum size of the note is 99 characters.


Tab Name


SE This will show the Spouse's Employer panel on top of the current panel.
OI This shows that the Other Insurance panel is open.
DI This will show the Dependent Information panel on top of the current panel.
M This will show the Medical Coverage History panel on top of the current panel.
D This will show the Dental Coverage History panel on top of the current panel.
V This will show the Vision Coverage History panel on top of the current panel.
FX This will show the Flex Account History panel on top of the current panel.
SD This will show the Short Term Disability Coverage History panel on top of the current panel.
LF This will show the Life Insurance panel on top of the current panel.
WB This will show the Internet Access panel on top of the current panel.
CB This will show the COBRA Coverage History panel on top of the current panel.
AC This will show the Accumulators panel on top of the current panel.
NT This will show the Eligibility Notes panel on top of the current panel.
AU This will show the Address and Unit History panel on top of the current panel.