• This report produces a document which summarizes the total claims for each benefit line with Paid Date between the provided effective date and end date.
  • A summary document is created for each option, another for each plan, where all options within a plan are totaled into the plan summary document, and another totaling all options in every plan into a group summary document.
  • All summary documents created for options, plans, and the group are produced consecutively to compose the multi-page Claims Summary by Benefit Line report.
  • The number in brackets under billed amount ex. "(79)" represents the number of claims which make up the billed amount for that benefit line.
  • In the Eligibility Reports screen, if Collapse Benefit Lines is selected, each benefit line and its data will be grouped in the report by category.
  • Click here to see how the Claims Summary by Benefit Line Report correlates to other reports of the same report period and group.