Coverage Information Screen


Parameter Name



Corner Logo Here the operator may select which logo to display at the corner of checks and letters to symbolize the group. Encouraged
Bank Account Here the operator may select which image to display which is the authorized signature of the group. Encouraged
Account Type Here the operator may select which type of account this information applies to. Options include MED, DEN, VIS, FSA, DCA, MSA, and OTH. Yes
Next Check # When printing checks a new check will use this as the check # and increment the check # by one. Yes
Letterhead and EOB Information These four lines will be printed on the top of each letter or EOB. Encouraged
Routing # Here the operator may enter the routing number of the group bank account. Yes
Account # Here the operator may enter the account number of the group bank account. Encouraged
Bank Information on Check # Here the operator may enter bank information which will appear on each check. Encouraged


Button Name


Copy from Med Clicking this button will fill in all of the information for this account from an existing medical account.
Save This button saves all new information or changes to information on the screen.
Done This button closes the screen.