Audit Screen

  • Upon opening the the Audit screen, the program will go into the database and will go into each benefit line of each claim of an employee and find what each accumulator should be, for the selected employee. Then it compares the newly rebuilt accumulator with the previous one the database stored, and reports any discrepancies.
  • In the Audit Screen, a checkmark box and one row of information will be generated for each accumulator.
  • The number of discrepancies (if any) is displayed in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
  • After the checkmark box on each row having discrepancy, the type of discrepancy is listed. If there is no discrepancy, the word OK is listed. At the end of each row having a discrepancy, the actual numerical figure of discrepancy is reported.
  • If a row reports a discrepancy, and an operator wishes to update an employee's accumulators from what they are currently reported in the database as, to what the audit screen reports they should be, the operator may select the row with the checkmark box then click the OK button at the bottom of the screen.


    Button Name


    OK This button closes the Audit Screen, updating any rows the operator has marked with a checkmark, then returns you to the Accumulators Panel. 
    Cancel This button closes the Audit Screen, without updating any rows the operator has marked with a checkmark, returning you to the Accumulators Panel.