STD Plan Edit Screen


Parameter Name



Plan ID Here the operator may enter or modify the Plan ID. It should be a string of characters from 1 to 8 characters long. Yes
Cap This is maximum amount to be paid out to the employee on any single check. Yes
Percent This is the percent between (0 and 100) of the employee's periodic salary to be paid in the STD check. Yes
Waiting Days This is the number of days before the first STD check should be received by the employee. Yes
Plan Weeks This is the length of time in weeks that the employee will particpate in the STD program. Yes
FICA This is the percent (between 0 and 1) to be withheld from each check for Federal Income Tax. Yes
Medicare This is the percent (between 0 and 1) to be withheld from each check for Medicare . Yes
Soc Security This is the percent (between 0 and 1) to be withheld from each check for Social Security. Yes


Button Name


Delete Selected Clicking here will delete the selected plan from the STD Plan list.
New Clicking here will create a new entry in the STD Plan list and clear entry in the parameter fields to allow the operator to enter the new plan information.
Save Clicking here will save all changes and modifications to STD plans.

  This button closes the STD Plan Edit Screen, returning you to the STD Plan Entry Screen.