Miscellaneous Functions Table Editing Screen


Button/Parameter Name


MBI Group ID (Extern Unit ID) In this dropdown menu, you may select which group to edit.
Add all codes to this group This will take all existing codes in the selected plan type and add them to the currently selected group for that plan type.
MCC Code This Code represents the type of transaction performed in the Flexcard program.
Delete Code If a code has been selected in the "Codes in a Selected Unit" box, it will be deleted.
Max Autopay This number is the per-transaction maximum that will apply to the selected MCC Code, group, and plan type.
Add/Edit Code This will take the MCC Code and Max Autopay and modify or create a new code for the selected unit.


Button/Parameter Name


Graphic Name This will display and allow you to modify the name of currently selected graphic. Names must correspond to an existing file having the name: "images\[Graphic Name].bmp".
Graphic Category This will display and allow you to modify which category of the currently selected graphic.
New Creates a new entry in the Check and ID Card Graphics table using the parameters to be specified by the user on the left side of the table. Users need to create the actual graphic file before inserting the name into the database.
Save Saves all new or modified entries in the Check and ID Card Graphics table to the database.
Delete Deletes the selected entry in the Check and ID Card Graphics table. This function automatically deletes the corresponding entry in the database, so clicking on save afterwards is not necessary. The corresponding graphic file is not effected by the delete function.


Button/Parameter Name


New Creates a new entry in the Correspondence Message table using the parameters to be specified by the user on the left side of the table.
Save Saves all new or modified entries in the Correspondence Message table to the database.
Delete Deletes the selected entry in the Correspondence Message table. This function automatically deletes the corresponding entry in the database, so clicking on save afterwards is not necessary.
Entity This number is either a Group ID, a Location ID, a Unit ID, or an employee's SSN.
Correspondence Type When editing or creating a new Correspondence message you may select if you would like this to apply to the Provider or the Employee EOB.
Message This is the message that will be displayed on the Other Comments section of an EOB or Provider Statement. The exact text of the message will be printed, except that accumulators relating to the claim can be substituted with the following syntax:
The first seven characters after the triple * are the name of the accumulator, as defined in the accumulator name table (or one of the OOP/DED accumulators, I = In network, O = Out of network).
The next four characters (XXXX) represent the year of the accumulator to substitute. Use XXXX to let the claim determine the year, 9999 to use a lifetime accumulator, or enter an actual four digit year.
The next two characters (XX) represent the patient suffix of the accumulator to substitute. Use XX to let the claim determine which patient to report, 00 for family, or enter an actual two-digit suffix to force a specific family member.
The last three digits are the accumulator type. Use MED (Medical), DEN (Dental), VIS (Vision), or any other allowed type on the system.

  The Done button closes the Miscellaneous Functions Table Editing Screen, returning you to the Admin Report Screen.